On Monday, January 25, 2010, the New York State Bar Association will hold their Fourth Annual Career Development Conference "Navigating the New Economy: Career Strategies for Lawyers." This free conference will be held at the New York Hilton (Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 518-487-5596) from 1-4 p.m. Pre-registration is required. You must register by January 20, 2010 at www.nysba.org/careerdevreg.
(Please note: This program does not carry MCLE credit)
Join leading career and psychology experts as they discuss how to stay positive and focused on a job search in the current economy. An interactive and lively Q & A session is anticipated!
The program is sponsored by the Law Practice Management Committee and the Committee on Lawyers in Transition.
Rachel J. Littman, Assistant Dean for Career Development and External Relations Pace Law School
Lauren J. Wachtler, Esq., Partner, Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp, LLP; Chair, NYSBA Committee on Lawyers in Transition
Dr. Leslie Seppinni, Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Dr. Leslie’s “Excuse Free Living” philosophy focuses on “The 4 C’s: Curiosity, Conviction, Courage and Commitment” (http://www.drleslietoday.com/)
Kelly Hoey, President, 85 Broads (http://www.85broads.com/)
Bruce Blackwell, President, Career Strategies International, Inc. (http://www.careerstrategiesinternational.com/)
Elena F. Kaspi, JD, MSW, CMC, President and Founder of LawScope Coaching, LLC (http://www.lawscopecoaching.com/)
There will be a free networking reception following the program from 4-6 p.m. entitled "Social Networking 101: Getting the Most from NYSBA's Social Networking Tools." Come network with the panel and meet NYSBA’s social media manager and web site editor Barbara Beauchamp. Learn how to make the most out of NYSBA’s social networking tools:
- NYSBA on Facebook
- Following NYSBA on Twitter
- NYSBA LinkedIN groups
Register online by January 20, 2010 at www.nysba.org/LPM2010CAREERDEV
For more information, contact: cclayton@nysba.org.