Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Apply Now for Civil Legal Assistance Attorney Student Loan Repayment Program (CLAAP)

The Civil Legal Assistance Attorney Student Loan Repayment Program (CLAAP) repays a portion of eligible federal student loan debt for civil legal assistance attorneys who are employed full-time. Five million dollars is now available for distribution to qualified civil legal assistance attorneys. Apply as soon as possible - the Department of Education will commit these funds to eligible civil legal assistance attorneys on a first-come, first-served basis.

For additional information, qualifications and to download an application, please visit

Completed and signed applications can be returned to the Department of Education as follows:

Fax Number: 1-315-738-6674

Mail: U.S. Department of Education
Civil Legal Assistance Attorney
Student Loan Repayment Program
PO Box 4399
Utica, NY 13504

Overnight mail: Call 1-877-699-1834 for courier/overnight address

Completed and signed applications will be date and time stamped and processed in the order they are received. Do not submit an incomplete application. If the application is denied because it is incomplete, the Department of Education will send a letter explaining the reason it was denied, and a resubmitted request will receive a new date and time stamp.

Additional information is also available at

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